We are pleased to announce that our branch in Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto Kitayama IP Firm Shiga Office, will be relocating to the address below on April 1, 2024.
From this date, please send all correspondences for the cases handled by the Shiga Office to the new address, as the current Shiga Office will be closed on March 31, 2024.
Thus, we would highly appreciate if you could update our information as follows:
[Name] Kyoto Kitayama IP Firm Shiga Office
[Address](NEW!) Hayashi Bldg. 2F-B, 1-15-30, Umebayashi, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0051, Japan
Please note that our telephone and fax numbers will remain unchanged.
*Contact information of our KYOTO office, KYOTO KITAYAMA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY FIRM, will not change.